Professional Development
Join Seminary Ridge Museum and Education Center historians, educators, and special guests for in-person and online professional development opportunities. View upcoming and past recorded sessions below, stay tuned to our Events page, and subscribe to our Education newsletter for information on forthcoming PD offerings.
Upcoming Professional Development
There are currently no forthcoming professional development opportunities scheduled.
Stay tuned for future offerings, and visit the Museum Events page for other programs.
Professional Development Videos
Virtual Learning Experiences at Gettysburg’s Seminary Ridge (2022 American Battlefield Trust Virtual Teacher Institute)
“Ever on the Alert”: Civil War Signal Corps, Codes, and Cyphers (Fall 2021 American Battlefield Trust Virtual Teacher Institute)
Corroborating Primary Sources: A Seminary Ridge Case Study (SRMEC Online Educator Seminar)
Civil War Math - A Hybrid, Storytelling Approach (2021 American Battlefield Trust Virtual Teacher Institute)